MrGnarlsonUtah is still getting snow this week. I really shouldn't say "still" because it's been so long since we've gotten a good storm, but better late than never! With all the resorts that have closed the season I ended for many.
Tell about your season!
How many days did you get?
Where did you ski the most?
Where all did you travel to ski?
Win anything?
Learn anything new?
Meet anyone rad?
What was the highlight of your ski season?
My favorite season yet! (First year skiing)
Probably got 70ish days, was obsessed with skiing from day 1
Minnesota hills like Hyland, Buck Hill, Trollhaugen
Went to Colorado for a weekend
Didn't win anything :(
Learned everything I can do - Rails, front 2, back 2, front 4, how to hit jumps, 360s, 180s both ways, ski switch, switch 180s both ways, switch 360s, HOW TO SKI, ski slide on rails (one foot things, refer to Andy Parry), Unfortunetly pussied out of backies
Met like 50 new people or so
Definetly meeting all the people from THE COTERIE like Steve Stepp, Kurcher, Sandy Boville, LJ, Wesson, Khai Krapela