stinky_petedevastator definitely blasts through crud, one of the best charging skis i've ever skied on, they're very stable and stiff.
yeah im liking the look of the devastators a lot, though i can't help but wonder if i should go for the hojis instead given that theyre a little bigger yet lighter..?
RudyGarmischObviously biased, but Wren 112?
those look great but unfortunately i think i gotta stick to bigger brands simply because i need to find a deal on these... i just bought an entire setup that i love except for the skis, which i dislike so much im selling after my first trip. so this needs to be on a tight budget
cobra_commanderYou want Billy Goats.
You are welcome.
same as above, plus don't the billy goats have some non traditional sidecut profile? like reverse in the front and normal in the back or something? after this debacle im sticking to what i know until i can demo extensively
CyanicenineThe rocker profile on the current Gotama is the same as the Katana. It is extremely subtle, practically flat, makes for a really predictable and stable ride when charging through chop. If weight and having a twin tip is important to you then it sounds like the right ski.
okay that sounds perfect. im really leaning towards the gotamas right now, a slightly smaller slightly jibbier katana? sounds like a wet dream to me
BoaxLight or chargy. Pick one.
haha yeah yeah i know but i only added the "light ISH" part because these will be part time skinning skis. i have no problems with heavy skis beyond that at all. so here im looking for at least a medium haha
Caucasian_AsianFaction Ten if you want a little narrower, Thirteen if you want fatter.
thanks for the suggestion and i would love to try out some factions but as i said above i think i need to stick to bigger brands for cost's sake. in a perfect world id grab some 13s or candide 3.0s at retail and be done with it but especially now that im ditching brand new skis i gotta be smart about the cost. maybe one day i won't have to (when im too old and washed up to put my skis to good use :D)