So I snapped my poles which were of regular length (when I held them, my arms were slight more than a right angle).
Here is what I mean:
\ -Arm
| -Pole
So I used rentals and changed lengths, and I found 'poles', where you don't need to bend your arms when holding the poles great in the park but a pain when actually trying to use and for the rest of the mountain. I use poles because it improves the quality of my pole plant which gives me greater control.
So I suppose if you stay in the park, go for no poles or short poles
All-mountain + park- shortish poles
All mountain- Regular (right angled) pole
Oh yeah, about style and the no poles and poles debate, just do what you feel most comfortable with. If you think no poles look better and and your overall appearance is important to you, then go for no poles.
ianrich511Buy a cheap pair of trekking poles, shorten them when your in the park, lengthen them on deep pow descents, you win every time.
Or just do this ^
OP this is the best analysis of your situation. You're welcome.