I know what you're thinking. I'm some kid who thinks he's way better than he is, but just hear me out.
I'm going to Summit for Spring Breck, and am seriously considering going for a dub 10 as my first double. I can cork 7 and 9 with my eyes closed off the biggest jump in my area, and the jumps where I'm from aren't made with such precision as Breck or Keys so I know it'll be even easier when I'm out there. It's like learning kfeds on a summer setup, and then finding it's easier on snow. That's what it felt like last time I was out there doing everything I learned in Michigan anyway.
So for the dub 10, instead of opening up and dropping out at 7, would I just stay tucked and dip again? Or is there really a lot more to it? Watching some of my videos I sometimes come out of my cork at the peak of my airtime and it looks like if I went for it, it woulda came around. It just seems like a matter of sending it, and not letting fear prevent you from executing properly.
I've never tried them on a tramp but I'll hit up the the local gym and get them dialed before I go. In my head it doesn't seem too difficult, or even that scary. It seems like you could spot it pretty quick.
So what's the technique, and are they really THAT difficult? +K for any tips. Plz don't hate
If I get some good help and actually decide to send one, I'll be sure to film my success, or epic crash. Thanks guys.