(see pics below)
so was out shredding today, lifts were closed, not much snow, hiked up to the nearest patch of slush
we built a little butter pad and decided to go ham
first hit i flip around in the air, and my feet wont come apart and eat crap.
i look down and my feet are still together. i notice my brake is stuck somehow to the heel of my fks
it took us about to 20-30 min to get me, and the brake free of this mess. it wouldnt allow me to heel relase, so i had my pal (.lencon) push hard on my toe to have me horozonatlly relase from the toe. now that my boot was out, it was a total pain to get that stupid arm outta there. at one point i thought we werent gonna get it out. but hey thats what i get for owning fks. i love them to death but gosh dang those brakes.
plz disregard blue tape (saw a thread doing it to prevent cracking the plastic plate from stomping down too hard)
pic cred: .lencon