Replying to Are full camber park skis disappearing? Help me find a new park ski.
After about 80-90 days my replacement set of 2013 atomic punx (my first set I broke halfway through the season but got warrantied) are nearing the end of their life. One of the skis has decambered and is now flat underfoot, so it's only a matter of time before it goes completely. I loved these skis like I've never loved any other ski. They're the most lively, poppy, lightweight ski I've ever ridden and I don't know what I can replace them with that will be the most similar.
Stats; I'm 5'2 (157cm) 130lbs looking for a full camber dedicated park ski that isn't competition level stiff, is well made (no pricepoint skis please) and has medium or long sidecut and is 160-165cm in length. I dislike short sub 17m sidecuts they just feel too hooky to me. I like to have good effective edge, I want to be able to work the full edge of the ski, so tapered tips are no good. I ski jumps primarily.
Ski's I've already ruled out:
2015 atomic punx - Too stiff, isn't full camber anymore.
J-skis whipit - Too soft, isn't full camber, short effective edge/tapered tips.
Line chronic - Too soft, isn't full camber.
Armada park skis - I dislike their "butter zone" design, I want a progressive smooth flex, not a hinge point.
K2 - as far as I can tell doesn't make any full camber twin tip skis anymore.
Volkl wall - Only comes in 170, probably too stiff anyways, but it is full camber!
ON3P Prester - again 170 only
Faction park skis - candide and silas have short sidecuts, also still has rocker.
Surface - only 170's
Icelantic scout - a rare full camber find ,but suffers a short sidecut
Best potential candidates that I've managed to find;
Nordica OMW - Full camber, medium sidecut, not described as overly stiff, a little wider than I'd like, but still the best candidate I've found so far. Same ski as the old dead money I think. For some reason the Ace doesn't come in a smaller size anymore, even though I'm certain the old AoS did.
RMU Diam - I know very little about this ski except that the specs look decent, full camber with longer sidecut, comes in a size I can ride. No idea what the flex is like, can't seem to find many reviews.
That's it.
Feel free to try and talk me out of any of the skis that I've dismissed. Also in my quest to find my next true love for park skiing I've gathered some hard to find stats some of you might be interested in;
Punx 2015
164cm list - tape measure 161cm
effective edge @ 45 degrees 130cm
whipit 2015
164cm list - tape measure 161cm
effective edge @ 45 degrees 116cm
punx 2013
155cm list - tape measure 154cm
effective edge @ 45 degrees 124cm
recoil 2012
159cm list - tape measure 162cm
effective edge @ 45 degrees 128cm
These measurements aren't perfect but should be close enough. Effective edge is important to me. With all the advances we had in ski tech it was hard won to get high performance skis down to below forehead height. Now with everyone adding rocker and taper we seem to be trending the other way again towards longer skis with rocker and taper tacked on and the added swing weight that comes with. In theory you can still use the same size but then you lose effective edge. And manufacturers seem to agree because when they add rocker and taper they size up all their skis up.
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