brotofingers crossed. i want to ski pow. even park skiing in ut is shite right now. park city's park has been sugar snow for like a week now. u fukn srs m8
Yeah PCMR is getting dull now. Too busy and too warm. LCC is in a fuckton better shape than the PC area. Better terrain to ski and still some Decent snow From last week left over.
MrGnarlsonWell we get first tracks back there in the morning after the liftees, and I remember when we got that May storm and there were HUNDREDS lined up from the tram all the way down Powder Paradise. Seeing everyone drop in at the same time for fresh turns was pretty wild. Went from 0-45 minute MBX wait in seconds.
yeah, its insane. That one storm we had over the week Of xmas showed us how slammed it can really get. Hour long waits, we said Fuck that and skied gad valley/cirque lines the rest of the day. We did manage to get some goOd turns in over at mineral, but the mass amounts of jerries was a bit too much.