Pick three people that you wish you could be drinking buddies with for a day. It can be anyone at all. I will start of,
Ben Franklin
LJ Strenio
And Seth Rogan
Who would you pick? GO!
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SteezyJapaneezyJesus? Hell no. Its all bout
Nic cage
Jimi Hendrix
theabortionatorAre you seriously hating on jesus? Bro get the fuck out. Jesus was probably a rad dude. Sorry you can't hang.
SteezyJapaneezyyou gon ask him how he faked that water to wine trick or what
SteezyJapaneezyyou gon ask him how he faked that water to wine trick or what
.frenchyOn a serious note Jesus was actually a real dude, and I'd love to chill with him lol
veetuzkaDan Blizerian
David Lesh
Kate Upton
I'm thinking nasty.
L0gicI like what you're thinking, but three guys and Kate Upton? C'mon, lose Dan and get another model in there.
Mr.SaltyThread twist, your people can be real or fictional.
.frenchyOn a serious note Jesus was actually a real dude, and I'd love to chill with him lol
zzzskizzzStill debatable, Jesus back then was like the name Matt today, and way more than one Jesus claim to be the Son of god.
zzzskizzzStill debatable, Jesus back then was like the name Matt today, and way more than one Jesus claim to be the Son of god. Also there's a 13 year gap in his life where he apparently didn't exist, and there was no record of him.
.frenchyOn a serious note Jesus was actually a real dude, and I'd love to chill with him lol
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.frenchyNo, it's not debatable.... Jesus was a real person, Shroud of Turin bro :^)
Stop quoting me and trying to debate in every thread that I post in... It's pretty lame.
DeebieSkeebiesMods, please. This comment is offensive and degrading to those victims of William Cosby's crimes. I thought you were way better than this, Gus. Shame on you.
k-robStephen Hawking
Usain Bolt
Scarlett Johansson