.frenchyBecause this is a ski forum with a bunch of kids from mostly northern states (mostly blue states)? The view is a lot more different on my hunting/fishing forums, NS has always been like this for as long as I've been a member...
The site to me seems pretty split. For social topics it tends to lean left (which it should) and when it comes to major topics like gun rights and obamacare this site leans toward the rightwing point of view (which it should, we need our guns). I hate classifying topics based on left or rightwing just because I want people to think for themselves and it is ok to not follow one side or the other on every topic.
theabortionatorWhere I'm from is massively republican. Republican picnic, now dem one. Middle of the sticks upstate ny. I'm a registered republican actually even though I don't vote and think the republican party of today can suck a dick. But just because you're from some where doesn't mean that's hat you have to believe or that it's right.
same exact for me. The majority of the area I live is republican as fuck! Our generation is mixed, but the older people get around here they all lean right. I am also in the republican party, that stems from my premilitary and military days. I was going to switch and vote libertarian but I am going to stick around until Rand Paul runs for primary.
El_Barto.Im actually torn on this. Feeding your kids garbage and essentially making them fat i consider to be child abuse. Is it malicious? Nope, not at all. Is it neglectful? You bet your sweet ass it is.
At what level of severity does neglect become abuse?
I agree. It is hard to say. There is so much info out there on how to eat right and help build a strong healthy kid, instead they feed their kids dog shit fast food. How do people expect kids not to be fat and dumb when they're eating the nastiest food possible? But, I do not believe we should force parents to have their kids eat better. They can do what they want and i'll just shake my head while they feed their kid cheap, shitty food to ensure they save enough money for an 84" TV and the cable bill.