EDolloStoneI think mixing between angles and getting close up with a few tripod shots (or just not moving) would help alot.
I think it worked okay, the music was good, but the filming did not match it. Most of the shots of him skiing were way too tight... Look into a Rokinon 8mm Fisheye for your camera (i assume you are using a DSLR) The fisheye would compliment this well.
Thanks! For the stable shots and the fisheye shots that's a good idea, I already have a 8mm fisheye so mixing the two could be a good idea for next time. I'll also get closeups with my 50 mm, usually gives great second angle shots.
EDolloStoneIt also ends very abruptly... Think about a slowfade to black, and blur in "Made By ______" and fade the music out. THat is how you make it end well, the ending feels forced like you ran out of time to edit and so you called it quits...
The edit is not final thats why it's still private, I'm just asking for feedback before I edit my final version and add an outro, but yea the ending like it is right now is pretty terrible haha.
lIllII'm going to have to disagree with everyone here. Aesthetically, I love this style because the music doesn't distract from the skiing. When someone puts a blaring hip hop or electronic song in a ski edit, I usually turn it off within 10 seconds because everything just becomes a garbled mess. But then again, I prefer more atmospheric/minimalistic styles than "sporty" ones. Kudos on God is an Astronaut btw. Excellent band.
I think it's good stylistically, though I also think it needs to be tightened up a bit. A good way to do this is go through every second of each shot and ask yourself: "is this second necessary?" If the answer is no, cut it out.
Thanks man! For the cuts I usually just try to cut them to match the music, but some shots might need to be cut earlier. And for the preference for atmospheric/minimalistic styles that's also what I prefer, but unfortunately I find it way more difficult to do and unless it's super well done most people find it less interesting than hip-hop edits. Won't stop me from trying tho haha.
And if you like GIAA you could also try This Will Destroy You. Maybe you already know them, they are pretty awesome.