so basically i got in a little competition with my gaper friends at school and were having an edit contest. they look like gapers, dont have many tricks up their sleeves, but have really good cameras and real editing soft ware. WE on the other hand, have better skiing but only go pros. i made the intro to our edit and want to know what you guys think and what i could do/things i can do in the future to make a good edit. also. when i cover the camera with my glove i will make sure it completely blacks out and gives a tad bit longer till the next frame comes in. this is just kind of a rough draft and i only have windows movie maker and gopro cineform. tell me what you guys think/suggestions/any tips thanks k+ for good answers. im filming on the hero 3black + . so any tips for getting the best quality vid out of that would help too. thanks yall