New poll by nytimes and Stanford finds many more Americans support politicians who admit to climate change than did in 2011.
This trend will grow, in a few decades it will look odd and funny when people deny it.
Dear climate denier, What am I to say? Shrug. All you deniers have the same access to information that I do. Not only is it happening, it's man made. Let me break it down for you:
We are a planet with closest neighbors Venus and Mars. Everything I'm about to say is scientific fact so just listen, don't talk over this knowledge:
CO2 is everywhere in our solar system and the universe, it is one of the most common elements, and we know that the "greenhouse gas affect" is entirely real when an atmosphere contains elements like methane or co2. Venus' surface is 800 degree F exactly because of a runaway affect of greenhouse gas with methane, radio telescopes show us this. Methane is 22X or more potent as a greenhouse gas than is CO2. A cow can fill up a 55 gallon bag of methane in an hour and we have 1.3 billion cows, more than cars in the world. So our livestock is more impactful than all our transportation sector. Our atmosphere is thinner than a coat of varnish on a beach ball, it's very thin. It's the most delicate thing we know of.
Anyway, here is the reason you should care. And you haven't heard of it, surprisingly. Are you ready to find out? Here it is, the reason you should care: a worldwide mass extinction event. It has already begun, it is well on its way. This is fact. Each year one in a million species should expire naturally. We are driving them to extinction a thousand times faster than that. It's so severe that in less than a hundred years we will lose half of the species on Earth, so we're in it. Just look it up online. This hasn't happened since a meteor hit Mexico 65 million years ago. If you don't care about a worldwide mass extinction of half of species, then a better sperm should have met egg when your parents had sex, you are a waste of life.
You can put CO2 anywhere in the solar system, I don't care it's fucking huge, vast enormous, the universe is a violent, dangerous cosmic place but our atmosphere is here to save us, it's perfect for us in every way, leave it the way it naturally is. Nuke Mars or even our moon but do not support burning gas engines inside our atmosphere
Your credentials will be on the line if you want to argue. Many of you deniers listen to parents and friends for information or huge news stations with tainted motives. If you argue then you are disagreeing with Elon Musk for instance. The smartest man in the world works 18 hour days for many years in full support of exactly what's here. Your parents or friends might disagree, but they're not Elon Musk. NASA 100% agrees but you don't have to be a scientist to understand that co2 and methane trap heat. Simple. I want to extend my hand to you, reader to come into the light, this is the future. Trust in science. Let's burn CO2 on mars so it can create it's own greenhouse has affect, if we were burning the same amount of co2 and methane on Mars it would develop its own greenhouse gas affect and in less than 200 years we would literally have 2 atmospheres to live in as a species, and trees could thrive on Mar's co2, eventually we could have 2 worlds after. Don't personify God and leave it in his hands, that ends in extinction. Trust science and in 100 generations we have 2 planets to live on. Science has got us this far, rockets, jet engines, smart phones, all engineering teams working magic. Trust science, we will be in good hands. 97% of scientists agree with me, eventually it'll be like denying cigarettes have carcinogens. Why not be an early adopter, be a part of the future. After the civil war, slave owners had to admit defeat and their offspring distanced themselves from slavery. The same trend will happen because mass extinction is generally frowned upon. Open your ears, don't argue. Come to the light.
Thank you,
I like to add a poll to many threads because I like to hear what you think, but here there is no poll, this is all for you to listen to Truth. Scientific Fact. That's all I offer.