i was sent a link to Roxa's website by a friend so i thought i would take a look through their site (link: http://www.roxa.com/index.php?lang=2) and being the newschooler that i am, after taking a quick look at the X-Perience touring models i went immediately over to the freestyle section of the company and the similarity is unmistakable. full tilts are known for their extreme forward lean, Roxa replicates this exactly. this wouldn't be weird if full tilt wasn't the only other brand that still makes boots with such an aggressive forward stance. now i assumed this was just a coincidence and decided to look through the rest of the catalog and all was good until i reached the kids models. full tilt boot is becoming more and more popular among groms and their parents because of the growth spurt shell. (for those who don't know the growth spurt has a manually expandable shell so kids can wear the same boots for year and can just extend the shell if they get too small instead of buying a fully new pair of boots) Roxa has created a kids boot model known as the Chameleon which is literally the exact same thing in every way.
so the point of this wasn't necessarily to bash Roxa for stealing designs (okay it was a lil' bit) but im curious as to why this is. do they use the same manufacturer ? or something along those lines.
so does anyone on ns know why Roxas are so similar to full tilt?