I just wanna get this shit gone so im willing to negotiate on price, everything is OBO & if you bundle, you will save. Im located in West Kelowna BC if you want a local sale, and if not ill split shipping 50/50. TRADES ARE WELCOMED. Honestly id prefer to trade most of this shit for anything really, but preferably a new skiing hoodie/streetwear or any team size/108 TTP or any other tall Ts of similar length(36"+). If you wanna trade, PM me.
First! only a single ski,175 Joystick These (I snapped the other as you can see)
PM if you have another single ski, ill either buy it off you or ill sell mine to you for cheap (we can work something out!) 6/10 condition edges are intact but the ski has seen alot of backyard abuse. Or if you want to just buy a single ski, nows your chance!

next up for clothing is this Saga zip up size XL (same model LJ wore when he destroyed his knee) 8/10
-$35 obo

Rare: LRG Aurora Borealis 4XL riding hoodie. 7.5/10 sleeves have light piling. Havent seen many of these on NS, its a few years old. Super dope graphics just fits me kinda weird. $45 obo

next! 3xl Jiberish bandit crew never washed, worn >10 times
idk what to ask for this, $30?

Assorted shit! All $5ish obo, and ill throw something one of these in if you buy a hoodie

Yoke hat signed by andy parry, $15 obo

Thanks NS
**This thread was edited on Jan 25th 2015 at 11:10:19pm
**This thread was edited on Jan 25th 2015 at 11:11:40pm
**This thread was edited on Jan 25th 2015 at 11:12:51pm
**This thread was edited on Jan 29th 2015 at 7:05:04pm