I'm making this thread because im a proud Canadian, and no matter how little you care about our politics, alot of shit is going down soon or lately, alot of shit we should know is fucked thanks to examples from our brothers and sisters down south. Canadians on the whole need to be more politically savvy, even us Canadians who don't take our stupid Canadian politics seriously. Canada is not that awesome, time we realized that.
First off, the "Harper government" is pushing their own version of the patriot act:
Our bitch of a premier, after months of thinking of dissolving the LC apparently, realized monopolys make you much more money and makes you give zero fucks, so were turning our grocery stores into LC's. Ya that means food can ONLY be bought at these ontario "Grocery stores".
And it doesn't matter which party wins, liberal or conservative, our already pretty strict gun laws are being beefed up, cause one crazy managed to kill two mounties, which brings me to my next point
Which isn't really being talked about, cause no one wants too, but compared to alot of G8 countries, our suicide rate is really high, that doesn't seem like stats a country renowned for its inclusiveness and what i'd describe as chillness should have.
And my last point, Ontario! Hell yess, we are blowing upppp, we got such good talent its unbelievable, and I just realized THE man, Bishop, is from here, blew my mind.
Anyway, I hope I can spark a little discussion atleast, or even make a few more Ontarian's realize how fucked our country really is.
TL:DR If you're Canadian and especially from Ontario, start paying more attention and vote this year