you know, as intense as that looks, I'm willing to bet it was very mild in comparision to what the wave looked like where it hit worst. Cities of more than 40,000 people were literaly, totaly erased off the map.
both of those pictures are incredible... the first, because that strip of land is probably about a quarter of a mile from one side to the other and its stripped completely clean of any vegitation. Incredible when you stop to think just how dense the jungle in that region of the world is.
the second one is the reason you don't see any 'tsunami in progress' video of the areas hardest hit... it didn't matter if you were standing on top of a three story concrete building. You and your video camera were done for.
qualities solidity well finished after sale services (if broken, ..). so what do you think? out of one fact: armadas black and PINK is ugly and faggy!