milk_manI see what you mean, but the odds of two people meeting is 1/7,000,000,000 that is still much more likely than our planet and a single cellled organism simultaneously being created by a Big Bang.
I dont believe science will prove why because there is no why. If the Big Bang is true there is absolutely no purpose to anything. And to me that simply makes no sense. I agree though, we have two differering beliefs
milk_manBecause the odds of me existing is irrelevant. How and why would you even calculate that? I'm here and we all know how I got here. The earth is here and we do not all agree how it got here. That's why odds matter
How does the big bang remove all purpose? I've never understood this argument.
Not trying to attack you but the overbearing argument against things such as the big bang is that we can not fathom or prove all of it, and because of that people insert god. It's a fallacy. Saying that you don't believe that science will prove something is ignorant, especially in the day and age we live in.
1200 years ago we could not fathom that the earth was round.
250 years ago we could not comprehend that a light photon existed in both particle and wave states. or that time wasn't constant everywhere.
The argument has and always will be in favor of science. Science and technology can continually be improved upon. Theology, on the other hand can not.
Now, I will say that according to science, given enough time a species could evolve to a point where they could be considered "god's" but they would not be the gods contradictory gods of any religious texts. They also do not exist. There is no proof of them existing and any argument based on faith alone is fallacious>