Hey Guys,
I live in Minnesota, and as most of you may know, Andy Parry's Tell a Friend Tour is going on right now. Andy is planning on making a couple stops around here in Minnesota and I was hoping to go to at least one of them. It will be in Minnesota on the January 23, 24, and 25. I told my Mom several weeks ago that I wanted to go to this and ski with everyone, but my Mom and Dad scheduled a four day ski trip to Lutsen (which is in northern Minnesota) a little bit ago which just happens to be taking place from January 23 to the 26. So basically the vacation takes place literally right when the tell a friend tour is coming through Minnesota. I have tried to get them to reschedule the vacation but they say that it would be too inconvenient because this is the only time that everyone has off of school and work. I am super bummed out and sad that this vacation is in the way of the Tell a Friend Tour because I told my Mom about it weeks before they scheduled the vacation. I also just don't want to miss out on all of the fun that will take place during the actual Tell a Friend Tour, such as, skiing with Andy, Cole, Allen Lam, and everyone else, as well as the pizza and the free stuff and the raffle. Any suggestions on what I should do or what I should say to my parents? Thanks Guys.
A.K.A. JTCasper540_MN