sampsihoyosThe famous Hubble "pillars of creation" photo that everyone has seen (somebody plz post it) is a close up of the "eagle nebula". Astronomers can see that a cloud of dust is going to destroy the pillars in 1000 years but since the enormous structures are 7,000 light years away they were destroyed 6000 years ago and don't exist anymore.
The tallest one is 57 T miles tall or 4 light years
That's insane. I love shit like this, however...A light year is roughly 6 trillion miles so either its about 9 light years tall or the height is half what you mentioned.
Nonetheless, try to comprehend that. If you got on a train the day you were born and were traveling at 100mph you would not even be close to half the distance of just one light year in your entire life, or 1/8th the height of the tallest pillar.
Yet, in the next decade we will be transporting up to 100 human lives in the SpaceX Carrier and begin living and cultivating on Mars. Before we die, we will have the opportunity to liveout our life on another planet.
Where is your god now?