I posted this article in my Norwegian skimagazine, afterbang.no. It was well received, so I translated it and give it to you guys as well:
Can you backflip? The kids asked about it all the time before, most of which look as if they are able to do one probably has been asked the question. You got it served on top of the inrun, in the lift, I for one have maybe heard it extra often, as I have worked a few years as park instructor in Oslo Winter Park. I started at the third season as an instructor this week, things have changed.
"Can you backflip?" "Yes, I can. It is not so difficult. "" Wow, can you teach me how? "
- Etc. I've actually taught away some backflips during my life. It is one of the highlights with being a parkinstructor, not enough that the guy stomping his first backflip with a backseat landing being stoked, all the others around him get stoked as well. Highlight? It was at least.
"Can you doublecork?" ... Wait what? Doublecork? "If I can doublecork? ... No, it is probably a bit too wild for me." I said, while I saw the disappointment in kids face. "Oh.", He said, as if he thought it was genuinely boring that I was not able to rotate while I tilted twice out of my own axis skiing. Do you even know what a doublecork is? I thought inside me.
"Can you doublecork?". If I were to obtain the stoke that you received before, when you said you could backflip, I’d probably had to lie and said something like, "Well yes, or I struggle a bit with the switch right doublecork, but the other 3 I can send whenever I want."
Of course I could not say that, because then I could never satisfy the following whimpering of me demonstrating one in the blue park. Once you tell a 9 year old jibber with double XL and triple ADHD that you can do something, you better show it.
Stupid as I was, I rather said, "No, but I can backflip!". "Cool.", He said, without showing a hint of involvement. "I know many who can do doublecorks" he continued.
Yes, sure you do, you little shit. Everyone does doublecork, doublecork is so normalized that it barely gives cred among the truly committed. Those who sit day in and day out watching edits online, streams Dew Tour and plays shredsauce, is so tired doublecorks that they have printed up antidubs stickers and stuck them on their laptop.
Doublecork, the trick that before would have given you full sponsorship and a Xgames invitation does today hardly raises eyebrow. That being said, you are pretty incompetent at promoting yourself if you can do one and not hook yourself up with some free talltees, but it is nothing that automatically makes you a pro.
No, yes, but they appreciate a proper backflip, I thought inside me.
Everyone appreciate a backflip. I showed him a backflip on the first jump after we had taken the elevator together. I got so little cred that I suspect the little parkrat to have an anti-back T-shirt under his Armada sweater.
"Can you doublecork?" - The worst is that the said boy is going to doublecork the crap out of every kicker he runs into in the future, while he's wearing a free t-shirt. - But, I do not take it so badly, it's probably fun to doublecork as well, that’s probably why everyone do doublecorks? Is it not?
At least I can backflip ...