I search barred and couldn't find anything
I dont know if you guys have considered this but skiing is taking a turn for the worst
I can't believe LSM didn't make it to the olympics, I mean that guy just oozes style...
He is so creative and would have teared that course up
Skiing should be a democracy, and we should have the right to choose who represents our cuntries
I was at breckenridge today and saw delorme to this sweet butter 3 and I was like damn!!!
henrik sent that nose butter trip but no!!!!.... Guss Henshaw had to take the win once again
I don't want to have to do triples to be cool, i want to be able to do sweet as nose butter threes like delorme and lsm...
The bunch just the sickest ive ever seen. i forgot what its called but its sick. LSM is in that too and he slays. He does this mad straight air, and that i think is super progressive.
We should have a style based comp, where we have bowls and spine trannys, I was thinking Les Arcs? I would invite candide, of course LSM and adam delorme, and john brogan and abm and a couple more steeze. Not torin cause he's lame as am i right?
I was on the chair with bobby brown and he said comp skiing is shit now, like so shit. he hates it. But i think its mainly because he sucks compared to abm who did the nose butter triple
i hate comp skiing, it is pushing the sport badly. If we had more style, we wouldnt have to take so much risk for such little reward
I am 13 and I can already nose bud three but also can see the sport changing and moving to dark dark places
i ski breck all the time and i can vouch for most of the skiers based out in colorado.
any dudes from colorado i have spoken back a brother up
peace and steeze