JenniferGarner"I'm not doing what everyone else is doing because I'm like so totally different and cool. I use baseless, generalized happy-go-me phrases and thoughts to justify my life of being a worthless piece of self-indulgent shit while at the same time talking down to everyone else with a sense of reality and/or a different circumstance based on multiple factors outside of anyone's control or my understanding".
That about sums it up.
"I'm so not a sheep. Everyone else with their wives and kids, jobs and houses are sheep and are so brain washed they don't even understand that they're missing out on life. People should just quit their jobs, travel and just try to do exactly what makes them me...even though I don't realize I'm doing it at everyone else's expense, and don't realize that it isn't that the sheep haven't considered my philosophy, it's that I haven't figured out theirs...Or how life really works at all for that until I do, I will be a condescending little shit, and demean their lives to that of drones, right down to calling my own parents lifeless, boring, sheep. I mean, I would know. I see them every day seeing as I still live at home whenever I run out of funds."