edaihaha word dude, i actuall broke mine bout 12 weeks playing football and i think i re broke it on friday skiing but i havent gotten x rays yet. youre going to fuckup and use that arm a lot before youre supposed to thats the biggest issue i had. youll be having surgery though so yor experience will be a little shittier than mine. im trying to think of other advice, just ask any questions and ill tell you.
This needs to be corrected along with your english, because yes if you need surgery, the break is bad, but after surgery, the plate/screws approach generally facilitates and speeds up the process. Also, generally having the surgery leads to a stronger and more aligned healing bone, as opposed to the bone trying to align itself via a brace.
Don't get me wrong though, if your break is less than 2.5cm it is up to your discretion to decide if surgery is the right path, for more hairline/less separated breaks a sling can often heal the bone well too.