yeah, they dont have the money becuase thre big companies take the majority of the sales. while right now they arnt making huge revenues, all of the money created in these companies goes into R&D, and Manufacturing. the bigger the profits, the more money they have for manufacturing. and the more skis they make, the cheap it becomes for them. so while currently companies like 4frnt, ninthward, armada, liberty, faction, ect dont have the money, in a few easons time, it is absoulutely posibble. just look at companies like Orage, LIne, Siver Cartel, D-structure, ect. they all host and sponser major events and films. i would love nothing more than to see skiing get like snowboarding, where the majority of the companies are rider owned. even burton, who is a huge corperation, is rider owned. there is potential for the ski industry to explode, and it will. i would love to see skiing turn into a snowboarding, where twin tips arnt just for trick skis, but every ones ski. why? because companies like line could and are make all mountain skis that reform just as good as anything else put ouut by major manufacturers, plus they are more fun for the buyer, and it puts money into line. these core companies, like 4frnt, armada, ect need to make more all around skis if they want to survive. while i will agree, it isnt the cololest thing, its the smartest. that is where the majority of the money is anyway, in the intermediate, recreational ski. if shops had less bias toward the bigger companies, and were more focused on smaller companies, it could compltely happen.
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