Let me start off by saying, I AM NOT against technical tricks and I am not saying there is no style in technical tricks, but is a certain amount of style being sacrificed by too much technicality?
Granted in competition such as the Dew Tour, X Games etc. technicality is pretty much THE key factor and some technical tricks are very stylish. Even though it is difficult and hard to master and takes serious skill, when you hop around on a rail spinning 3 or 4 different times in multiple directions not being able to keep track of what it is your doing(swop this swop that), there is a certain lack of style. LJ Sternio and Will Wesson have mastered these to a T and there is a certain style to it, but what about those slow rotating, grabs for days, tweaking it out, style masters like Keefer, John Ware, Parker White, etc.
I love watching the competitions, but I'd rather see a silky smooth stylish edit. That's just my opinion of course.
What's your take on it NS?