I have been using this site for years but never posted anything, mostly just watching videos and ski world updates, but over time i have finally decided to get a account solely to speak my mind about women's skiing.
First of all: women's skiing at-least deserves equal prize money at all events. NO excuses, they work just as hard or harder then most male skiers
My main point of this thread is to point out how women truly keep the sport near it's roots. Skiers are constantly complaining about how much of a "robot" that guy looks like, or "triples" were never meant to happen. Some ask "why can't skiing be like skateboarding, we have progressed skiing way farther then it ever should have"
Anyways my point being women time after time prove this with there original tricks and constant smooth style. The Olympics proved this. Most girls instead of doing doubles elected to keep it smooth with 5, and 7s, making the competition much more style based and not a inhuman robot triple show which the men flaunted. I mean there spinning so much it may as well be aerials. everyone who preached skiing is to far progressed needs to look at how women skiing because they are revolutionizing style while truly keeping our sport at its roots with their bag of tricks. Lastly the men are pushing it to far where injury risk is too high, they are going to ruin the sport for everyone because the olympic committee already wants to get rid of Slopestyle due to injury risk.
3 Conclusions.
1. Women skiing is much more style based then mens
2. Women deserve at-least equal prize money and should be better recognized for their contributions to the sport.
3. Watching a Smooth grabbed 5 or 7 is much more enjoyable then a blurry triple
Looking to hear other peoples opinions. It is something i feel strongly about and would enjoy discussing with others,
Cheers guys,
Lady Pink,