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PeppermillRenoNot in general.
But there would be nothing wrong with industry wide it being mandated for pros in films as well as comps...or if a resort had really dangerous terrain and they made you wear one to enter it stuff like that is fine if its justified.
SVmikeBull shit, That's like the porn industry regulating all male actors use rubbers. Nobody wants to see that shit. Now, a governing body such a USASA or the Freeski Tour can say people competing in their sanctioned event have to wear them but not the whole industry. Personal responsibility people.
theabortionatorYou have to right a paper based off what you feel about the issue not what I'm telling you.
It literally doesn't matter what side you pick as long as you back it up with solid reasons. Even if you think helmets are stupid you could argue for them and still get a good grade.
It really isn't that complicated is it?
Steezy.jpegI just hate that about school, if you write an opinionated paper, fighting for the way your teacher see's it, 100%. If your like me and dont see eye to eye with many of your teachers... Your fucking failing those classes.
Lus146The park at one of my favorite places requires helmets and it is really uncrowded which is nice for us helmet wearers. I can see the arguments for both sides but I think that helmets should be required. It just encourages safety and even though we do dumb shit at least we aren't gonna hit out heads on a rail too hard. I don't see why people still don't wear helmets honestly. Probably gonna get a lot of flack but whatever. I mean helmets aren't out of style for skiers so it's not like you won't look cool, you can't feel the breeze in your hair because it is cold and you should have a hat on. It's your decision but like I don't get why you wouldn't want to wear a helmet.
Sleazy.n.SteezyI think it should be no, because people can do what they want. And if they want to take that risk they can. Just like riding a bike.
MiomoIMO, laws which limit self-harm and risk are pointless and counter-productive. Wear your seatbelt/helmet if you want to, not because the law tells you to. I can't really see an argument against that, especially with an age-restriction in place, such as anyone younger than 18 must. Counter to that, I think drug laws are necessary, although I'm very much on the fence and haven't gone over any points internally. But i digress.
MiomoIMO, laws which limit self-harm and risk are pointless and counter-productive. Wear your seatbelt/helmet if you want to, not because the law tells you to. I can't really see an argument against that
Moon_ShoesNothing should be required in a sport were one is free to express themselves
dyyylanThe problem is that there are a lot of stupid people who make bad decisions.
Having a law makes it a non-decision for most people, because no one wants to get a ticket. And it doesn't really inconvenience non-idiots, because there is no reason to not wear a seatbelt in a car, it's not like you can get up and walk around while driving somewhere.
Wearing a helmet is pretty similar, there isn't really any reason to not wear one. There's so many shapes and designs that you can find one that is comfortable, and it keeps you warm as well. It's not like they're out of style any more either, since most people wear one.
That said, it's still a different case and shouldn't be mandatory. I don't think the amount of skiing injuries that could be prevented by a helmet are anywhere near the amount of lives saved from wearing a seatbelt. If you crash on skis, a helmet may or may not help you. If you crash in a car, a seatbelt WILL help you not get injured in virtually any circumstance. So, not really comparable.
theabortionatorThat said I think helmet and seatbelt laws are retarded.
theabortionatorIt's a slippery slope when you start getting a government in full on nanny mode.
Should it be illegal to eat shitty food? Should it be illegal to not exercise if you're fat? Should it be illegal to show up late for work?
I'm not even trying to think of epic examples just saying where do you stop. It isn't the governments job to make laws regarding what I do with my body. An adult should be able to not wear a seat belt, not wear a helmet, do drugs, go bridge jumping etc. Are those things dangerous? sure but you're only harming yourself, and it sure as hell isn't the governments responsibility to deal with that.
Hell, we can't even maintain a halfway decent economy here. Cut the bullshit and focus on things like that.
theabortionatorThat said I think helmet and seatbelt laws are retarded.
Mr.BishopI'm 100% with you.
I think that as long as you aren't fucking someone else's life up, then more power to you to fuck up your own if you so choose.
Wheatimagine theres no heaven
dyyylanNo, it's not a slippery slope because there is a very big distinction with all of those other things you said and a seatbelt law. There is no argument for not wearing a seatbelt while driving, it doesn't prevent you from doing anything other than not dying in a collision. If a seatbelt restrains your movement so much that you can't do something, that's probably something you should pull over to do, because it's going to put your life and possibly others' lives in danger. Simple - no downside, many many upsides.
I'm not for requiring helmets, but I'm not against it, either. It probably doesn't need to be a law, but if a place (skatepark, ski resort, whatever) wants you to wear one, that's up to them. Wearing one is a good idea anyway so there isn't really a legitimate argument against it - just wear it.
dyyylanI see your point, but what if it's Dad driving the car without the seatbelt and he has children at home? He gets into a collision where a seatbelt could have saved his life, and now the kids have to grow up without a father. So even though the seatbelt only affected him directly, others were still also affected indirectly.
But driving is a different scenario where collisions are pretty brutal, sports-related injuries are not nearly as dangerous or have as high a fatality rate, so it's not really a fair comparison. But the point still stands that injuries/deaths DO affect people other than the one doing the activity.
dyyylanI see your point, but what if it's Dad driving the car without the seatbelt and he has children at home? He gets into a collision where a seatbelt could have saved his life, and now the kids have to grow up without a father. So even though the seatbelt only affected him directly, others were still also affected indirectly.
But driving is a different scenario where collisions are pretty brutal, sports-related injuries are not nearly as dangerous or have as high a fatality rate, so it's not really a fair comparison. But the point still stands that injuries/deaths DO affect people other than the one doing the activity.
theabortionatorHoly fuck. Are you REALLY trying to make that argument? What about people who east shitty food, drink too much, or a million other things. People like you are suggesting that one can only make the right choice if theres a law and legal punishment for choosing the wrong. Personal accountability. This is where people put their big boy pants on and make decisions and take responsibility for what comes with them.
If my parachute doesnt open and my daughter becomes an orphan, thats no good but should skydiving be illegal? Lets make everything illegal and bubblewrap the whole world.
No thanks
VinnieFIf there are multiple people in a vehicle that gets into an accident then if one person isn't wearing a seat belt they dramatically increase the chance of injury or death for the other passengers by being a hundred or two hundred pound sack of meat flying around pummelling people.
If the person is on their own, then fine, I support their decision to not wear a seat belt. But with other people in the car seat belts should 100% and for good reason be mandatory.
dyyylanWell, like I said before, I don't really care one way or the other. I'm just putting some reasons out there that are worth thinking about.
It's not about taking away people's personal freedoms to make bad decisions. It's about having simple rules that don't negatively affect anyone, in order to help people make good decisions.
With your food example, that's a completely different thing because people get pleasure out of eating shit that's bad for them. Eating cakes every day is horrible but there's a legitimate reason to have some at least once a year (birthdays). Just as an example. But maybe there are some things we can do to help people make good decisions that don't negatively affect them? Maybe creating a new version of Coke that tastes exactly the same but doesn't give you diabetes. Or offering kids in school a choice of lunches that aren't frozen/fried garbage.
Regarding the seat belt thing, consider this: "lap/shoulder belts, when used properly, reduce the risk of fatal injury to front seat passenger car occupants by 45 percent and the risk of moderate-to-critical injury by 50 percent. For light truck occupants, seat belts reduce the risk of fatal injury by 60 percent and moderate-to-critical injury by 65 percent"
If you could make a simple law that doesn't negatively affect anyone, but significantly reduces injury/death, why wouldn't you do it? I understand what you're saying about having the freedom to make bad decisions, and I agree, if I want to go basejumping, I dont want someone telling me that I can't. But on something that there is no legitimate argument against (like not wearing a seatbelt), why not?
theabortionatorseat belt