I currently am a freshman in highschool. I live in Pennsylvania. After highschool I have to take life serious, but I love skiing. I don't want to go pro I ski because I love it and have fun doing it. After highschool I want to go to college out west. Maybe Colorado , Utah , Oregon, Southern California . Are there any colleges out there I'm looking for a college to finish my edgucation but still be able to ski a lot. I know TW went to the university of Utah and was able to ski. During college I would want to get a job on the mountian or at a ski shop. I have to go to college so I can get a job to support a family when I'm about 30. Any colleges in ski towns that I will be able to do that at. I know it's serious if
your not gonna take it serious it's fine just don't reply and don't just say look up colleges in that area. They don't tell me what I need to know they tell me about the academics and the price. I want to know from a skiers prospective.