This upcoming season, Killington as well as a couple other resorts in the U.S are going to begin introducing terrain based learning to the Ski Instructors and their students. Terrain based learning is what it sounds like. There will be a designated run filled with a variety of gradual alterations in the grade and terrain of the slope. The purpose of this new way of teaching, is to introduce the skier or boarder being taught, to the different shifts in their body when they ride each "feature". The terrain will aid the instructors with a run designated for instructing beginners. The creator of the program theorizes that the terrain will speed up the progression of learning, making it easier and more fun, because the rider can comfortably become acquainted with the practice of shifting weight and controlling the skis or board. As the seasons grow shorter due to global warming, the industry is striving to maintain and grow its customer base, and in order to do that we want more and more people to learn how to shred quick and easy, that way they are motivated to invest more time and money into the sport.
Here's a link to the website and a couple of videos that describe the new idea.
I'm curious if anyone has heard about this, is it being brought to your mountain as well? What do you think? Will this give the ski industry a boost?