Tell your best story about a shitty landlord.
I'm currently in the middle of mine right now. The boiler has been broken since a week before Halloween and they aren't scheduled to begin installing a new one until this Thursday (It takes 2.5 days to install according to landlord).
The forecast for the rest of the week is as follows:
Monday: High 65F/Low 15F (Below 30 since 11 am)
Tuesday: High 23F/Low 11F
Wednesday: High 15F/Low 5F
Thursday: High 25F/ Low 19F
Friday: High 32F/Low 10F
The best part is that he brought over 2 small space heaters to "keep the pipes from freezing", but refuses to pay or split the energy costs from running them 24/7 (Wouldn't be so bad but I'm a grad student on a slim budget).