Hey guys,
I got my drivers license last year and I got my dads old truck, I've been really stoked on it and I'm counting down the days until my local resorts open so I can drive to go ski whenever I want. I'm in Southern Ontario, Canada so my local resorts are pretty shitty. I've been thinking about taking a road trip with some friends to Quebec. I was wondering if any of you guys have experience with taking road trips like this and have any suggestions / Do's and Don'ts. I feel like it would be a lot of fun but I don't know if its gonna be worth all the money in gas and the cost for a cheap hotel room etc. So basically is it really worth all those costs of driving 6-8 hours to get to a big mountain vs. just staying home and driving 2 hours to one of my local resorts.
Feel free to share your experiences of roughing it on the road!