hey ns, i have a t3i and tokina 11-16 that i mainly use to film skiing. i dont know a ton about cameras and ns and my brother helped me decide on that setup, now over the winter im hoping to add a tripod; hopefully fluid head, mic, and nd filter. im really busy and dont have time to research what im looking for help here cause ns has been really helpful before.
tripod max $400
-really smooth and easy to use
-not super heavy
-durable and will last a while
-best bang for buck
i have heard good things about manfrotto 502. would this be good or suggest something else
mic max $200
-best bang for buck
-crisp sound
heard good things about rode but not sure which to go with
nd filter max $50
-shooting with tokina 11-16mm, 70-30mm f/4-5.6, and rarely 50mm
- shooting in sunny conditions
i really have no idea, i dont know if i will need separate filters for each lens or what.
thanks ns