Anathemawhy would they have light sabers any way. i mean, you control the force and have the technology to build lasers that cut through anything.
why not just throw laser boomerangs or smaller laser ninja stars at people and control them with the force? why do you even have to engage in hand to hand combat at all?
There's a lot of controlling the sabers via the force, throwing them long distances, directing them, and them boomeranging back throughout the EU.
Not in the movies (thus far) probably more due to CGI and special effects limitations than anything. I bet we will see a fight in this trilogy like you're talking about.
Also, the force is like anything else, meaning it's on an spectrum, not black and white. Just because a jedi or paduwan can say deflect a blaster shot, possibly while blindfolded, that doesn't mean he or she can than sit in a recliner and will his lightsaber around deftly enough to win a fight. It's a muscle. In the canonical material, there's only been a few dozen jedis that we've met, and maybe 3-4 who are considered to be truly powerful (and those that are revered all have the power to kill, maim, whatever without hand to hand combat ex. palpatine, vader, yoda, luke later, whoever else). The original trilogy makes reference to extraordinary jedis with great power and abilities, and we gotta remember that Luke is a complete novice, not indicative of the "ceiling". Obi wan is an old man, clearly not practiced, yet he still relies on the force 10x more than his saber. Vader force chokes everyone, and saves his saber for other jedis. We've seen people guide proton torpedoes, lift several tons of machinery, and on and on. Plus, Jedi culture is obviously heavily influenced by samurai lure and tradition. The force and jedis are even quasi religious I think, and there's something ritualistic, pure, and also respectful about saber combat.
I don't know...I don't think much fiction (let alone sci fi conceived in the 70s) stands up to this much logical scrutiny to be honest. The answer to your question is because dueling and sword play are culturally revered and romanticized and it's personal. It works for films, and it works dramatically and it straight up just looks COOL. I feel like this is a film series that you have to be willing to suspend disbelief on some level. I don't have the same logic and continuity expectations for a starwars movie that I do for a political drama or something.
If these films pull at the right heart strings, have amazing set pieces, the score and sound design is great, and give us a few iconic images and lines, I'm going to be fucking pumped, damn the rest.