So today I was in school just working on my stuff and my science teacher told me to go down to the office. On my way there I was trying to think of what happened because I could not think of anything bad I had done. I've been suspended twice now in past years and I was trying to clean my act up this year. So once I had gotten down to the office my principal tells me to sit and I'm like Oh shit this isn't gonna go down well and he says I'm sure you know why your here and all that and of course I didn't know. So he says I am aware that you have been looking up inappropriate stuff on computers in school and I'm like no I haven't and the principal turns his laptop around and up comes a suspicious activity note with the google search for porn under it. Before you comment saying I'm a perve for looking up porn in school I didn't. I had been logged onto my schoool gmail and looked it up on my laptop at home. It was so embarrassing and now I have to have that principal for the whole year. And oh yeah, I didn't get into any trouble but now I will definitely remember to log off my google accounts from now on... FML
Do you guys have any embarrassing stories?