- No trades unless you have STH2 16s
- Prefer to ship to US only
- Will gladly do local pick ups
- Sorry for any sideways pics...NS uploader was being dumb
RMU Apostle 185cm
Only used about 5 days. Mounted -2.5cm from center for 293 bsl for STH2. Edges and bases are in perfect condition. Minimal topsheet chipping. Real nice one ski quiver and super light. Bindings not for sale.
- $350 shipped

RMU Diam 178cm - SOLD
Use about 20 days. Mounted dead center for 293 bsl. One edge crack and some minor scrapes on the bases. Usual topsheet chipping for a park ski. Super light ski.
*Bindings are not included unless you add $175
- $150 shipped

Nilton Hoody - SOLD

Full Tilt Wallisch Hot Doggers 25.5
Used about 125 days. Never heat molded. Yes, I dyed them with RIT dye and I never felt any change in the functionality.
$100 shipped

K2 Camo & 4bi9 Mahalo Snapbacks
Never wore the K2. 4bi9 hat was worn twice. Nothing wrong with either.
$25 shipped for each or $40 shipped for both.

**This thread was edited on Oct 29th 2014 at 2:57:08pm
**This thread was edited on Dec 4th 2014 at 1:09:15pm
**This thread was edited on Dec 4th 2014 at 5:45:21pm
**This thread was edited on Dec 4th 2014 at 5:45:59pm