Replying to MHSSC or momentum??
im planning on going to a summer camp this year as you may have seen in my past thread and someone brought up mount hood summer ski camp, before that thread i had never heard of this i had only heard of windells coc momentum and any of the woodward ones, i really am going for the learning aspect and the having fun and chilling with people. i live in alberta so momentum would probably cheaper drive or flight but im worried that momentum will have alot of "im better then you" "you suck" sorta thing, because i have heard alot of that happens at windells. after a bunch of research that doesnt seem to happen very often at mhssc i have really low self confidence so that might be one of the reasons im worried about this lol. also i know that the park at momentum is better also it has a high speed tee-bar and you stay at a nice hotel and get to eat at resteraunts and stuff. my parents will not be paying for this they said they would give me 500 dollars !!!! (i am happy they did this haha) towards it for my birthday and christmas but i will have to come up with the other bit by working/shoveling and anything i can do lol.
also if this helps im somewhat new to freestyle and this will be my first year mainly foccusing on it (im learning threes and basic rail stuff) and i think it would be cool to meet some pros.
sorry for the whole essay you just read im not great at explaining things in short paragraphs.
anyways +++++k for help!
thanks alot NS
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