Replying to What's the Deal?- Lethal Descent
Hello boys and girls, (mostly boys)
This is Kevin from Lethal Descent Outerwear and lately i have been receiving emails and questions regarding what is going on with us for the upcoming season. Some of you have been wondering if we will be releasing a new line, and what the future looks like for LDC.
Yes, things have been a little sleepy around here lately and we haven't released any news regarding this season. Well the truth is that we will not be releasing a new line for the 2014/2015 season. The reason for this is a simple lack of funds; I will not sugar coat it because no one deserves to be lied to. We are by no means down and out but rather are as hungry as ever to continue to produce the outerwear we want to see on the market.
For this season, the focus for us will be to keep our heads down to ensure that everything is running as smoothly as possible on our way to a next release. There will be some changes regarding the structure of the company as well as how it is run in the future. While it is certainly not an ideal situation for us to have to miss out on a year, we are taking the opportunity to take a step back and focus on how we want to do things. We have received an awesome amount of support over the years and the fact that it still continues is what drives us to keep going. This company was started with the average skier at the forefront's of our minds and to not commit ourselves to what we think people might want, but rather to start fresh year-after-year to create something that is completely original. To this day, we carry the same mentality and drive as when Lethal Descent was founded 7 years ago and we plan to open up a much more communal and transparent way of business as we move forward.
However, getting back to the point of delivering news. Everything in the store has been discounted from 20%-50% off, depending on the line, for the whole season with sales throughout the season for additional savings. For this year we will also be doing lots of cool giveaways and highly encourage everyone to reach out to us to express their ideas on what they want to see either from us or in the industry as a whole. In the spirit of giving back to the people that have given us so much support we are always wanting to get involved in helping out with events, contests, parties... whatever it may be that involves the skiing community.
I hope this helps to shed some light on a dim situation but let me be clear that nothing is over.
Thank you all for reading and if you find yourself at the end of this thinking "who gives a shit, LDC sux"... we still appreciate your time.
Kevin Slattery
Lethal Descent Outerwear
I can be reached at for any questions or inquiries
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