2 dead. Hopefully the others make it out alive. This needs to stop.
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TRVP_LVRDSummary of what you have said so far: "Oh what's this? Some innocent kids were killed in a school shooting? We'll let me undermine them by explaining how kids that push drugs, prostitution, weapons, etc are the real victims here".
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yuckwow i have never seen a thread be completely derailed after only two posts, way to go you guys!
SkiBum.Stop being so sensitive
TRVP_LVRDIf these continue, I wonder if school security would eventually rise to the same level as airport security. It would be fucked up to see your kids going through x-ray scanners.
SkiBum.I think this is a good idea. Schools already do it, so why not implement it more?
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.frenchyHahahaha get the fuck out.
And are we really gonna keep making a thread every school shooting? We're just giving those losers more attention. Yeah that sounds douchey but I really fucking hate hearing about this shit heads.
tonysupranoThe whole "Chicago kids murdering each other" is a not a good defense, because that whole situation is actually beneficial to society. Certain portions of this country, and world, should be nuked.
tonysupranoThe whole "Chicago kids murdering each other" is a not a good defense, because that whole situation is actually beneficial to society. Certain portions of this country, and world, should be nuked.
SkiBum.Just because they don't know who their daddy is, is no reason for murder. You sound racist...
CheeFKids that shoot up schools are cowardly. Oh no they were bullied and there lives were so tough, how about learning to be strong and standing up for themselves. If that can't be done, get a GED or change schools. I hate how all of this blows back on gun rights.
lord_sauronI hope this is a bad attempt at trolling because that was an extremely social darwinist and ignorant thing to say
WampireThe shooter refered to himself (in his journal entries) as a psychotic sociopath. He talked about how a mass killing has been his dream as long as he could remember.
WampireYa fuck them for having mental issues that they can't control! Most of the school shooters have very serious mental illnesses and sadly are overlooked. I also go to arapahoe high school and after reading the press release I was shocked. The shooter refered to himself (in his journal entries) as a psychotic sociopath. He talked about how a mass killing has been his dream as long as he could remember. How fucking unsettling is that. Nothing was going to stop this kid from doing what he did unfortunately because he was dead set on his plan. And Im not in any way justifying what he did, or why he did it, I'm just saying its not as easy to brush it off for these kids as you'd think.
.frenchyThey should just kill themselves then, no need to harm innocent people.
undisputedthis was the shooters twitter
by reading his tweets the kid has seemed to have trouble with women
zzzskizzzIf we give everyone a gun then no one will need a gun, gun problem solved. Wounder what gun nuts have to say now. Being that we all know it's just a matter of time before the next one happens, nothings going to change with the laws or back round checks.
CoreyTrevorI'm a gun enthusiast, but I definitely think the more guns there are, the less safe we will be (due to accidents, not mass shootings). Plus, you ever think it could be possible if a lot of people had guns that a shooting happened in a public place, and as John Hero pulls out his saturday night special to stop the shooter, another guy sees John with the gun and shoots John because he thinks he's the shooter...fuck who knows how big of a chain reaction that could be...know what I'm saying?
There's probably not that many less non-drinkers than people without guns in this country. You're far more likely to get killed by a drunk driver. Ain't that a bitch? But bottom line, how big of an outcry do you hear every time a drunk driver kills somebody? Everyone wants to see the driver get toasted like a bagel, but is there a mass outcry to for prohibition every day? Just because you don't partake in something doesn't mean you get to shit all over everyone who does. If it's become so bad in the U.S.---move.
zzzskizzzAwesome fallacy, unfortunately alcohol has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion, and if you want to talk about drunk driving accidents make another thread. The point is there's going to be another school shooting only a matter of time. could also make a point that there will be another drunk driving incident, another gang related killing, another suicide, another rapist, another kidnapping, the list goes on........
undisputedthis was the shooters twitter
by reading his tweets the kid has seemed to have trouble with women
dylholeGun reform would be a great place to start addressing this type of more and more common behavior....
CoreyTrevorWhy do psychopaths kidnap people, rape and kill them or torture and mutilate their bodies? It needs to STOP. Well geez, good fucking point, let's get right on that..
So much hysteria over a bunch of bullshit. I was just talking to a few people about what the fuck happened to America that made it full of such spineless cowards who are afraid of fucking everything. Conclusion is that we live in a country that is controlled by the media. The media reports nothing but bad story after bad story so people start thinking they're going to get shot at school, ebola from an African, raped by the next man you meet... All of this causes people to want to give up and give all the control possible over to the government to protect them. Year after year we lose one liberty after another but has the overall murder rate gone up? NO. Sex and violence sells and that's the bottom line, so that's all we get fed in the media.
As pointed out, roughly 50 million students in the United States. Lets say there, oh maybe 5 shooting related deaths a year at school (which I'm sure is a high number), that puts the odds of 1 out of 10 million that you are killed in school. That's up there with getting killed by lightning, airplane crash, eaten by a shark (while walking to school I might add).. The odds of getting killed in a car accident are about 1 out of 5000, that's what, 10,000X more likely than getting shot at school? Are you fucking kidding me, people are afraid of this? Let's immediately go into hysteria and get rid of all guns.
I get what some of you are saying that a shooting taints a school for years. I feel for you. It's strange that Colorado seems to be such the hot bed of psychopaths. My old company we had two headquarters--one in Houston, and one in Denver. It's funny, because Texas is known as the gun toting red state. Yet when it comes down to it, the people we feared coming to work and going on a killing spree (yes, we actually talked about this) were all the ones from Denver. There is something in the water out here..
zzzskizzzIf we give everyone a gun then no one will need a gun, gun problem solved. Wounder what gun nuts have to say now. Being that we all know it's just a matter of time before the next one happens, nothings going to change with the laws or back round checks.
CoreyTrevorI'm a gun enthusiast, but I definitely think the more guns there are, the less safe we will be (due to accidents, not mass shootings). Plus, you ever think it could be possible if a lot of people had guns that a shooting happened in a public place, and as John Hero pulls out his saturday night special to stop the shooter, another guy sees John with the gun and shoots John because he thinks he's the shooter...fuck who knows how big of a chain reaction that could be...know what I'm saying?
There's probably not that many less non-drinkers than people without guns in this country. You're far more likely to get killed by a drunk driver. Ain't that a bitch? But bottom line, how big of an outcry do you hear every time a drunk driver kills somebody? Everyone wants to see the driver get toasted like a bagel, but is there a mass outcry to for prohibition every day? Just because you don't partake in something doesn't mean you get to shit all over everyone who does. If it's become so bad in the U.S.---move.
cobra_commanderA few years ago, 4 kids, from this high school (or one near it) were killed when the car they were 'jumping' while drunk flipped and rolled off the road. My cousin was the sole survivor, and he lives in a wheel chair from here on out. -2x the number died, but nothing made the Seattle Times, let alone national papers.
Is this a tragedy? Yes, but people die, it happens. Two died here, and it really really sucks for their families and friends; but lets stop pretending its a national fucking disaster.
Mean while millions of our youth are set up for a miserable and pathetic life of meritocracy by a school system that is too worried about being nice to them, many will die of hart disease because no one does PE any more, and is too scared to tell a fat fuck he's a fat fuck.
Those kids are being failed - and no one gives a fuck.
At the end of the day, not a single one of us is getting out of this world alive. Of all the ways to go, a gun shot wound with your head held high ain't that fucking bad.
zzzskizzzAwesome fallacy, unfortunately alcohol has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion, and if you want to talk about drunk driving accidents make another thread. The point is there's going to be another school shooting only a matter of time. could also make a point that there will be another drunk driving incident, another gang related killing, another suicide, another rapist, another kidnapping, the list goes on........ things that could have been avoided, just like a school shooting if I might add.
dylholeGirl problems in 9th grade? Shocker.
Gun reform would be a great place to start addressing this type of more and more common behavior.... could also make a point that there will be another drunk driving incident, another gang related killing, another suicide, another rapist, another kidnapping, the list goes on........