RudyGarmischBuy more ON3P skis so the athlete travel budget can get built out?
Correction: Buy ON3P skis and leave a note in your order that said "GET SANDER TO AK". However admittedly this strategy is brilliant.
sander_hWoah, thanks lord_sauron and others who have posted thus far.
It is definitely a dream of mine to get to AK one day.
Hopefully I'll be stepping to similar stuff in BC this year with the ski boss.
As for AK, maybe I should I start a kickstarter like Keri Herman to get there this year then eh?!
The plan is to keep the video stuff rolling this winter. First video should drop in November or December. (pending how broken my laptop actually is #whitescreenofdeath)
I would love to go to AK and make a bitchin' video or get really scared and not leave the motel. But for real, lets keep this going. Like Bishop mentioned, a good first step would be to spam the hell out of NS username fatbastard...
Thanks NS, you guys AND gals are the cats pajamas!
Sander I fucking love you. man, how much money would have to be raised for an AK trip? Ever planned it out? I have no god damn idea.... kickstarter aint a bad Idea... neither is seeing if a couple of pieces could be put together.