S.J.WIf Russ, Evan, Ellias, Goepper all wore the same shit I would put a pretty large amount of money on you not being able to tell them apart from the stylish skiers like Torin, Clayton, Sean, Henrik, etc,etc if they all did the same tricks.
Off course there is no actual way to test this. So I am just going to leave you with this. When Evan was just a regular newschooler, the majority of the comments on his videos where about how stylish he was. Now what has changed... His style or his fame???
hahaha......I'm not offering an opinion on whose style is good, or not, but this is dumb.
Just because you can't pick up on the nuance and subtlety of people's skiing, doesn't mean other people can't. Clothing has NOTHING to do with my perception of someone's style. I might infer things about their personality and taste in clothing (I might be wrong with that inference, but I could make it), but what they're wearing tells me nothing at all about how they ski.
You could put Adam Delorme, Nicky Keefer, Duncan Adams, Parker White, Henrik Harlaut, Tom Wallisch, Sammy Carlson, Jossi Wells, B-Mack from the Bunch, Kieran Mcveigh, Jon Brogan, Eric Pollard, and so many others in the most non-descript, unassuming shit ever, and I'm going to know it's them after a few tricks.
From how they carve jumps, how they pop, how much they prewind their arms, how upright/pencily they spin onto rails, how they do different grabs, whether they land switch looking over the continuing shoulder, or looking back the direction they spun from, how they land, whatever.
There's a HUGE disparity in people's styles, trick selection, execution, and the "personality" of someone's skiing (are they in an athletic knees bent stance all determined, or are they lackadaisical, non-chalant?), this argument that has been presented FOR YEARS that if you took skier x and skier y and put them in each other's clothes somehow the perception of them would magically change is totally bullshit, and you're actually selling the individuality of skiing and skiers way fucking short.
No one says dumb shit like "pfft....if dennis busenitz didn't wear those totally non-descript crew neck sweaters, no one would think he had good style".