neutralzombieI'm Jen, 28, from Montreal, i like long walks in the woods, and cold beers on chairlifts.
snwbrdmilfAshley, 31, from NY living in MA. Used to be on all the time, not so much anymore.
Bring me good beer and I'll give you a free ban on any boy.
Does this thread make either of you feel old? I feel old and I'm younger than both of you >__>
I'm Ashlai (Ashley technically but I decided to be super hip a year ago and start spelling it weird so whatever you call me is cool?)
I live in Bellingham, WA. It's like mini Portland but slightly weirder if you can believe it. I ski on a rainy volcano that sometimes goes by the name of Mt. Baker. I also frequent Stevens Pass cause its the coolest.
I'm 25, I'm a barista and a massage practioner, and I like female houseguests that want to come ski with me. :D