obisly this dose not mean go pro or no go pro. to make the title more clear do ever carry a camera while you ski or do u just use your phone or nothing at all. personaly i would only bring a camera when i have a backpack or somthing wich means im going probly be quiet adventures so in that case i might bring my 35mm konica point and shoot or my bronica 645 or my dslr. but if im not bringing a back pack i would not bring a camera i also would not just bring a back pack so i could bring a camera. in most case i would just use my iphone wich i think requires some skill if you actully want to take a good picture even tho most agree.
so what do you guys n gals do? do you bring a camera or do you just use your phone? or do you do something completely different?
oh and for you phone shooters out there you should take a look at this
i really want to get both lens as i shoot with my phone 90% of the time and i think this would add alot of fun and make my photos better. oh and if you think th olo clip thing is better theres no comption between the moment lens and the oloclip the moment lens has way better optical quilty.
anyways what are your thoughts?