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JenniferGarnerSo far two posts and they both happen to be incredibly ignorant. Shocking... keep the streak alive!
JenniferGarnerSo far two posts and they both happen to be incredibly ignorant. Shocking... keep the streak alive!
DINKLEBERGOne Wasatch gave my dog cancer.
DeebieSkeebiesit rubs me the wrong way for some reason. i just really feel like its more than building lifts to connect the resorts. of course they're going to build lodges and hotels, all that fun stuff. its just a matter of how much. my biggest concern is over building in the wasatch making it just a giant deer valley with mansions and lodges as far as the eye can see (seriously, DV is the least scenic resort ive ever been too). thats just the biggest issue for me right now, it would be shitty for a lot of utah folk to see a lot of good potential terrain go to waste.
DeebieSkeebiesit rubs me the wrong way for some reason. i just really feel like its more than building lifts to connect the resorts. of course they're going to build lodges and hotels, all that fun stuff. its just a matter of how much. my biggest concern is over building in the wasatch making it just a giant deer valley with mansions and lodges as far as the eye can see (seriously, DV is the least scenic resort ive ever been too). thats just the biggest issue for me right now, it would be shitty for a lot of utah folk to see a lot of good potential terrain go to waste.
GratefulGrizzlyI have seen a lot of negative people on NS, but you are by far the most negative. Tone it down.
JenniferGarnerI've seen a lot of self righteous douches on this site that try to "parent" how members act buy you are by far the most self righteous douche. Tone it down.
Talisker wants this to happen and anyone that skis in the BC knows this was planned out better than ski link and had a high chance of becoming a reality. They're already set to build the lift between the Canyons and PC, and DV just purchased Solitude. There, I've wasted enough time on this BS.
JenniferGarnerI've seen a lot of self righteous douches on this site that try to "parent" how members act buy you are by far the most self righteous douche. Tone it down.
Talisker wants this to happen and anyone that skis in the BC knows this was planned out better than ski link and had a high chance of becoming a reality. They're already set to build the lift between the Canyons and PC, and DV just purchased Solitude. There, I've wasted enough time on this BS.
JookyI've got to wonder, do each of the resorts lose their unique personality? Brighton has a nice under-developed vibe, as does Alta. Does that all go away? Backcountry that used to require work for turns becomes a highway of gapers?
Obviously from a financial standpoint it makes sense for the resorts. It could also reduce traffic in Big and Little Cottonwood, as well as allow the resorts to operate when one or both roads are closed for snow control. I like the idea of a Europe style resort, however, without other infrastructure in place (shuttles, tunnels, transportation) what happens when you park in PC and end up at Snowbird at the end of the day?
iskiPC1997I think it would really depreciate the value of backcountry skiing. Now instead of skiing down the backside of alta or the bird, and skiing to a cool peak, that few have touched, you could just hop off the lift at a certain point, or half way point, and be a quick 10 min hike from what were the holy grail of LCC BCC backcountry lines.
Down vote on the connection.
It sounds cool, but in reality i dont think it would ever happen
As well as the industrialization to what used to be considered the back country
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KravtZI think this would hurt resorts economically unless they owned all the resorts being connected. IF someone planned a big trip with their family to Park City and they skied over to Deer Valley for the day thats lost revenue for park city.
JenniferGarnerThere, I've wasted enough time on this BS.
iskiPC1997I think it would really depreciate the value of backcountry skiing. Now instead of skiing down the backside of alta or the bird, and skiing to a cool peak, that few have touched, you could just hop off the lift at a certain point, or half way point, and be a quick 10 min hike from what were the holy grail of LCC BCC backcountry lines.
Down vote on the connection.
It sounds cool, but in reality i dont think it would ever happen
As well as the industrialization to what used to be considered the back country
BagelsSo much condo potential. Look at all that undeveloped land.
SkiBum.Most of the land you are probably thinking of is not able to be developed.
Also, one Wasatch is so far from happening it is not even reasonable to talk about it yet. I really doubt it will ever happen to be honest.
ifin you ski off the backside of alta/bird you are in american fork canyon
box elders a cool peak cept it's a good 5k up so it doesn't get a lot of traffic.
Funny cause most of them names are from the wasatch powder turds whove been depreciating the value of backcountry skiing by noisily flying 2 ships all over the wasatch for decades. Basically being allowed to operate a motorized vehicles for profit in a lot of non motorized terrain including wilderness they politically grandfathered in on.
None of these lifts will access anything but has been gate accessed sidecountry for the past decade terrain.
The holy grail of lcc bcc ski lines must look different from IL huh?
GratefulGrizzlyIt's not. There are way too many things unanswered and major changes that wouldn't change. Just one example being Deer Valley and Alta being strictly skiers. They wouldn't build it and have the 2 corner resorts strictly skiers. People would go ballistic and there would be boarders snowboarding that terrain whether they were supposed to or not.
iskiPC1997Yo dont hate on the midwest.. we still ski here
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