I have a cheap sale for you all today. I am in desperate need of money for my car and need to sell all the stuff I have around, and I am looking to get rid of it fast. Everything is obo and I am very flexible so just pm me or comment below your offer and I will get back to you asap.
Alright to start things off:
Saga sweater size large (not sure the name of it)
Its in pretty good condition, has a stain in the lower half which is shown in the pictures. Doesnt fit me anymore so it needs to go. I was thinking $35 shipped? Let me know!
Second: Another saga sweater size large as well
This one is also in pretty good shape minus the ink stain in the lower half that is not very noticable since it kind of blends in with the black and blue of the sweater. Again it doesnt fit anymore so I dont have any use for it. How about $30 shipped for this guy?
Third: Nike jacket size xl
I love the color of this jacket but just as the other clothing, it doesnt fit anymore. It isnt completly water proof but it does do a good job sheding of water. Its in great shape. $25 shipped.
Another Nike Jacket size XXL
Sweet jacket that is suprisingly warm. not very water proof at all though. has mess on the inside, and is super bright. $20 shipped.
5th: Level 1 thermal size 6xl
This thing was my baby. I had looked for so long for one in this size and finally I was able to get one, but now I am forced to sell it :( Its great for skiing in. super warm and super tall. I really dont want to get rid of it but I really need the money. $30 shipped
6th: Nintendo NES
I know that this is a long shot, but its never hurts to try. I have here a Nintendo Nes in pretty good condition. Only thing that is wrong with it is it has a small crack in the flap that covers the game slot, but it doesnt effect how it works at all. Comes with all the cords you will need to hook it up and two controllers as well. This thing really is cool and like my level 1 it hurts to have to sell it. I would really like to get $55 shipped.
7th: A tomtom gps.
Not much to say about this thing other than it is basically brand new. comes with car charger and has recently been updated. I know that this is also a long shot but who knows who might want it. Id like $25 shipped
Last but not least: A jensen power 900 watt amp
This thing hasnt been used much at all actually. I had it in my car but then sold the car and got a new one that already had a system in it. Real nice amp I just dont have a use for it anymore. how about $45 shipped?
Thanks for looking! Sorry if any of the pictures dont work, its been a while since my last thread. Again I am open to any offers so dont be afraid to ask!!