milk_manMy chiropractor said that anything over 3 miles a day will start to hurt your joints, and it will become a somewhat negative thing for your body. So if I were you I would tone it down a little bit, but you know your body best and what you can handle. Definitely keep running everyday though. Nice job man!
thats such BS, there are guys in their 60's 70's and 80's running ultramarathons and marathons. while other people their age are getting stuck in wheelchairs and struggling to make it around the house without pain. probably because they listened to people telling them that running, exercise, movement, pain, etc.. are bad for you or unnecessary.
I talked to a guy in his 50's recently who had some kind of injury 5 years ago and was told he could never walk again other than sometimes getting around the house. the guy picked up running and now does 30+ mile trail runs weekly.
shit i used to have knee and leg pain almost constantly in my teens when i didnt do any running at all, usually at its worst when i was skiing. Now im doing 10-20 mile runs weekly with other runs in between and i havent had any knee pain since. (though i did go back to my old supportive, cushoned shoes a couple times and had some knee pain afterwards. result of bad form/shoes not running)
run with good form, and be smart and i dont see any evidence as to why it would be bad on your joints.