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I just started the program in September and it is super sick so far. If you love skiing its the program for you.
There are a lot of awesome people in the course and at Selkrik in general. Super small school so you end up meeting a lot of people really quickly (if you live in residence).
The course is really fun, plenty of practical exercises, and the instructors are really chill. They are all hardcore skiers like all of us so they understand sometimes that skiing comes first and school second. However, it is A LOT of work. Its easy to keep on top of it if you steadily get through it and have good time management but if you leave it all to the last minute it will bite you in the ass.
To the people that say its a waste of time, they probably found out that they didnt want a job in the ski industry and just like to complain about shit. On the other hand, they could be one of the people that just went to college to please their parents, do a program they are kinda interested in then drop out because it was "a waste of time". To enjoy/complete this program you really want to have to do it and have a passion for the ski industry.
You meet a TON of contacts throughout the industry on this course. I've been here for just over a month and have already met GM's from Fernie, Whistler, Red, Panorama etc. and they have all said that they look for SROAMies and will hire them for supervisor/management positions straight out of graduation. Some of them are ex-SROAMies themselves. We go on field trips to Fernie, Whitewater, Whistler, Red and get to meet industry peeps, make connections and most importantly shreeeeeed.
I would recommend being 19 when you come here so you can drink at the bar and do AT LEAST a season working at a ski resort out west. I did about three and feel that has given me a really good head start for the course. SO, if you love skiing, drinking, smoking pot, going to class hungover, having an awseome time, living 20 mins from the nearest ski hill, want a job in the ski industry, access to unlimited urban, cool ass instructors, free days cat skiing and meeting an shitload of cool ass people, do dis course.