We wanted to take the time to Introduce ourselves to the Newschooler's community and skiing / snowboarding community as a whole.
We are OBFABA which doubles and an acronym as well as our promise to our brotherhood (not customers). Obtained By Few - Admired By All is a promise to our Brothers but to understand the depth of that promise and what it means its necessary you understand a little more about who we are now, have been in the past, and will be in the future.
OBFABA is deeply rooted in the action sports World, with interest in street wear / fashion industries. Together our Design / Cut and sew experience stretches for decades and supreme focus is on quality.
Together our team is involved in Skiing / Snowboarding / Skateboarding / Inline Skating, and various other action sports. We draw our style and influence from all of these avenues and combine it all into who we are as OBFABA
Obtained By Few
Obtained By Few means exactly what it says, few people will be able to own our pieces. Typically this exclusivity would be a marketing point and only be created to build hype and sell designs regardless of the quality or style, simply because there aren't many of these pieces available.
However "Obtained By Few" runs much deeper then a marketing point for us. OBFABA does not aim to build hype solely from the fact that few of our pieces exist. Pieces will be "Obtained By Few" due to the fact that OBFABA is a artistic expression of our teams passion for creativity, lifestyle and fashion sense. We aim only to share the by byproducts of our passion with a small group who appreciate the same core values as our company.
If you are a creative, active, artistic, devoted member and follower of your passion, wether it be skiing, snowboarding, painting, photography or underwater basket weaving OBFABA is for you
If you blow around in the wind, are heavily influenced by the crowd, are not an independant or free thinker we ask politely that you respect our company, and allow our pieces to belong to a brotherhood of people of a different demographic.
That is our definition of Obtained By Few
Admired By All
This is where the artistic and creative passion comes into play. Drawing influence from our background in music and action sports, we aim to create clean and clear designs that reflect our taste as a company. We are our own customers, and we will NOT create a piece of clothing we ourselves would not buy and want in our own closet.
OBFABA sticks closely to our roots, creating simple clean pieces with incredible quality and durability. Cut and Sew is our one true love, and our team has been creating custom pieces that we are excited to share with you over the next couple months. These pieces have great fit and feel in addition to great style.
"Admired By All" is really the most important part of who we are as a company, and we are really excited to share a few of our initial designs with NewSchoolers.
OBFABA couldn't be happier to be a part of the Newschoolers community. In the next coming months you will hear alot more from us and we cant wait to hear more from you as a community. We thank you in advance for your support.
Nothing can stop us now.
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