"For the person saying that I'm over-privileged '
You should never feel ashamed to have something that others do not ... But I think that you should really take a second look at your fiscal scenario... like it or not, you are of privlage.
YeezusI have a full ride to the University of Connecticut.
Less than 0.3% of fulltime students receive enough scholarship money to cover their full costs.
YeezusDepending on what I want, that shouldn't be over $2k for the month, max.
The Poverty Threashold for a single individual is $11,720 USD. at 2K/m that puts you at twice as much as the US poverty threshold.... 2k/m is also the percapita income in New York State....and you are an unnemployed/underemployed student.
YeezusI may be in college, but I am not broke. I can certainly entertain doing something like this without worrying about it too too much financially.
Really?...there are no statisitcs required to support my claim here... you summed it up quite nicely.
YeezusI worked an incredibly well paying pt job my first two years in college so I do have a substantial amount of $.
With Min, wage being about 8$/h and the cost of living in NYC ... I am going to assume you are either making so much money, that going to college is actually a waste of time ... or, as the next quote suggests...you are privlaged enough to remain dependant on your parents, thus allowing you to save $$$.
"If need be, then yes, my parents are the for financial support "
....I am not trying to come down on you or anything. You should be proud of what you have, what you earned and what you inherit....fuck, most people who ski are not poor by any means....Just claim it dude... you are fucking off to europe for the year ... I hope you sort your medical shit out, and enjoy your gap year. Shred on.