kingsskierThanks for this post and the few other people who actually helped.
A little more about me to help zone in:
I'm 27, so I'm not going to hinder any growth.
I have been working out and am in good shape, I just wanted to know if I could go to another level with supplements.
Here is a big one that people may try ripping on me for... I eat super healthy, I am a vegan and have been for about 4 so fish oils and pre-digested proteins are not for me.
Not using prohormones/designer steroids isn't just about age. While they are dangerous under 21, many legal OTC supplements in this category are more dangerous than many illegal anabolics. A lot of people don't realize this, they just equate legal with safe.
Do what you can to eat a lot of protein. I'm trying to gain weight, so I aim for 225g a day, so a gram per pound of target weight. Also, make sure you get enough fat. Typically about 1/2 a gram per lb. This will help the most. I like to use my fitness pal to log calories/macros on my iPhone. Managed to gain 15+ labs and drop 3-4% body fat in just over 2 months, and just keeping track helped a ton.
Zinc is supposed to boost testosterone, and vitamin d is good for skin/sunlight/calcium. That's all that's coming to mind right now, but I'll post back here if I think of something else.