Yo NS! Looking to trade this really sick Gore-Tex jacket for a different Gore-Tex jacket, or sell it. I love it, but looking for something a little less loud (like black, khaki, etc.) but hit me up with any offers. Only interested in Gore-Tex jackets or $$.
It is size M but its "relaxed fit" so fits more like an L. I bought it new, used it ~5 times in pow and its in perfect condition, basically like new. One of the top velcro tabs is getting slightly loose, but its not even noticeable.
This jacket is awesome...guaranteed to keep you dry. Looks sick and is super high quality. It retails for $400 but will sell it for $250 obo, or trade it as stated above.
Here it is at evo (different color but you can get all the specs): http://www.evo.com/shell-jackets/quiksilver-travis-rice-gridwood-gore-tex-jacket.aspx#image=75768/346389/quiksilver-travis-rice-gridwood-gore-tex-shell-jacket-fiery-red.jpg&select=true&utm_medium=shoppingengine&utm_source=googlebase&utm_campaign=EB-75768-1007
and here it is in the actual color: http://www.dresscodeclothing.com/product.aspx?sku=QS-AQYTJ00004&gclid=Cj0KEQjwy_SgBRCxhsqc3prt8rQBEiQAHI_9GfZSrsnCiGm0lHcR7tfcr54Iwnay61VZIVOhLbm2yDQaApIi8P8HAQ
and here's a shitty cell phone pic to prove I have it.